Monday, May 4, 2009

Any single moms out there?

Im a college student and im doing a project on single moms...if there are any single moms that could answer this survey I would really appreciate it. Thanks =)

Single Mom Survey

1)In what ways do you feel different compared to other non-single mothers?

2)How old where you when you had your first child?

3)How old are you?

4)Where you planning on being a single mom? Explain?

5)Do you treat your children differently because they don’t have a father figure?

6)Do you think it’s harder on you and your children?

7)Have you ever considered marriage?

8)What kind of reactions do you receive from friends and family members?

9)Do you feel your children get discriminated because of your situation? And how do your children feel about it?

10)What kind of help do you receive?

11)What type of challenges do you face being a single mother?

Any single moms out there?
Single Mom Survey

1)In what ways do you feel different compared to other non-single mothers? Not that many, to be honest. Some people can be slightly judgemental, but once they know your personal situation they're fine. Otherwise, parenting is parenting.

2)How old where you when you had your first child? I'm a foster parent, and I was 24 when my first child was placed with me.

3)How old are you? 25 now.

4)Where you planning on being a single mom? Explain? Yes, as I wanted to be a foster parent and didn't have a partner, after some careful thinking I decided I could do it on my own.

5)Do you treat your children differently because they don’t have a father figure? No, although I have a very good male friend (NOT a boyfriend) who is kind enough to spend a lot of time with us, so they do have a positive male role model.

6)Do you think it’s harder on you and your children? Hard to say, in some ways it's always harder doing things alone, but basically things go smoothly for us.

7)Have you ever considered marriage? Not yet.

8)What kind of reactions do you receive from friends and family members? Positive ones mainly.

9)Do you feel your children get discriminated because of your situation? And how do your children feel about it? No, I've never felt that.

10)What kind of help do you receive? Financial assistance (the same as all parents recieve in Australia).

11)What type of challenges do you face being a single mother? Honestly, I think the same challenges that all parents face.
Reply:When I was a single mother, I didn't think too much of it. I got child support (not court ordered). I received help from both sets of grandparents. I worked a full time job (just as I would have if I had a hubby). My daughter was raised well and received pratically whatever she wanted (didnt wanna spoil her too much). I believe that because single parenting is so common, no child should get discriminated against, (by whom? other single parents?) The divorce rate is 50%. Single parent children are like the majority. I am married now and things go on as it always had. No difference , not a big deal (a second income, so I work pt, but I spend the same quality time that I always have with my daughter). I am 31 and had my daughter at 21, i didnt want to be a "statistic" but I became one anyway.
Reply:Single Mom Survey

1)In what ways do you feel different compared to other non-single mothers?

I feel sad for my child, that he/she wont have a daddy in her life, only a man known as her Biological Father.

2)How old where you when you had your first child?

i will have my first child in June.

3)How old are you?


4)Where you planning on being a single mom? Explain?

NO, lol he cheated on my at Christmas and he thought cause i was preg that i would accpet it, but i broke up with him.

5)Do you treat your children differently because they don’t have a father figure?

I wont, I have brothers that will be there for my child, and i hope to someday meet a good man.

6)Do you think it’s harder on you and your children?

in my case no, he has 5 other children besides mine, and i should have known that he would be a deadbeat based on his past.

7)Have you ever considered marriage?

yeah, i would love to get married.

8)What kind of reactions do you receive from friends and family members? only support.

9)Do you feel your children get discriminated because of your situation? And how do your children feel about it?

that wont happen, its to common here.

10)What kind of help do you receive?

my mom is a huge help, she bought me everything that i need for my baby, and i moved back in with her so that she can help me for the first few months.

11)What type of challenges do you face being a single mother?

8 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
Reply:Single Mom Survey

1)In what ways do you feel different compared to other non-single mothers? I feel luckier a lot of the time. I don't have to answer to anyone, my kids have one set of rules. It can be hard at times because sometimes it would be good to have an extra hand and then I listen to my friends complain about hubby's doing nothing and yelling at kids and feel good again

2)How old where you when you had your first child? I had my twins a few weeks before my 24th birthday

3)How old are you? was 34 on Sunday

4)Where you planning on being a single mom? Explain? Sure was. I came out of a relationship and I wanted kids but didn't want to look for a guy just to have kids. I have a hip disability and was told I need to have kids sooner rather than later. So did AI rather than use a guy just to have kids

5)Do you treat your children differently because they don’t have a father figure?

Not really. I try to involve them in activities that have positive role models but that is about it, They know families come in all different forms.

6)Do you think it’s harder on you and your children? Sometimes it is a little hard on my son as he had an image in his head of wonder dad. Once I showed him that Dads aren't just males that play with their kids all day long he saw it a bit more realisticly. He actually told me the other day he was glad he just has a mum

7)Have you ever considered marriage? If I met the right person for sure

8)What kind of reactions do you receive from friends and family members?

All VERY supportive

9)Do you feel your children get discriminated because of your situation? And how do your children feel about it? Not at all. Possibly we don't get invited to as many things as their is no hubby and people sometimes like couples, but they are not your real friends in my eyes. Real friends don't care. My daughter has never said anything about not having a father. And my son I answered above

10)What kind of help do you receive? I am on a disability pension due to my hip so that is financial help. I have friends and family for any other help I may need

11)What type of challenges do you face being a single mother? Having to do the "guy" stuff around the house. Doesn't bother me but it can be a challenge at times lol
Reply:their is moor single moms than Merry moms
Reply:1) i feel lost sometimes as i dont have that partner to talk with about the childs day and punishment, and loss of companionship

2) i was 25

3) i am 25

4)no i wasnt i had to leave for stress reason while i was pregnant and he has never really gotten involved with anything and she only just met him yesterday fro the first time,

5) no i dont but whose to sayabout the future as she is only still young,, i probably will give her a lot more attention as i dont want her feeling unwanted

6) not on me but yes on my child i am worried for her as i dont want her thinking she is unwanted by her father,and i dont want her comparing herself to other kids in the future,

7) no i dont ever see myself in that position in getting married, but if it comes then who knows

8) not much , i dont know other single mums besides my sister and she gets loads of help from her new partner and her kids dad,,, my other mates have their partners with them and they dont understand how hard it can be sometimes emotionally and physically , i think they see me sometimes as the lucky one ,, if only they knew

9) not sure yet,,, i have one friend i think that looks down at the fact she doesnt have her dad in her life ,,, but apart from that ill raise bobbi to think she is no different than other kids in other situation as

10) i get centrelink, thats about it , i dont recieve child support from her dad and he doesnt have access, so mainly once every three months my sister might have her over night for me,

11) well you have to organise everything like christmas presents , birthday parties ,even clothes for seasons months before the event happens so you have time to pay laybys off as you dont have the other income coming in,,

also you have to be sure that the punishment you are handing out is right for your child on your own and also just meals and stuff just knowing what is good for your child and what is bad its all on your back as to what you decide
Reply:Most of your questions are very invasive of the personal lives of single mothers.
Reply:I am a 57 yr old retired elem teacher and I got divorced in 1985 when mine were 6 and 8. Being a single parent, according to james Dobson of Focus and the FAmily, being a single parent is the hardest job in the world and I will agree 100 % with that. No one can even imagine how hard it is !! They have now done studies that show children of single parents (I'm speaking from divorces), that it is very very hard on the children. I was 26 with my first child. My family basically saw me as the black sheep because I got a divorce, whether it was my fault or not !! It is EXTREMELY hard to be the bread winner and a nurturing mom at the same time, and I lost my total health to trying to do it all

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