Monday, April 12, 2010

Single during Christmas time...?

What is it about Christmas time that makes other people become so intrusive into the personal lives of others? I am a single, straight, 28 year old male and I have always been single. That's right, I've never had a girlfriend or even experienced me first kiss. Big deal right? Well my parents leave me alone about this, but not my extended family, friends and even co-workers. It's especially weird at work because I never mentioned that I am currently single. Obviously people are really interested in my life for some reason. This conversation inevitably leads to everyone asking me why I still live at home. They just don't get that I have no need to move out and that my family enjoys living together. I live with my parents (rent free) and other adult siblings and everything is working out great. When I need to move out I will. When I need to have a girlfriend I will. Are people simply jealous that I have complete freedom and no financial responsibilities?

Single during Christmas time...?
clearly you have some insecurity issues given the number of times you ask this question
Reply:They aren't jealous. They just don't respect you and are probably really interested in learning how you can respect yourself.

I'm willing to bet they don't really care, you just like talking about. All the time. All day. Everytime you're in a conversation it probably all leads back to the fact you still live with mom and dad and don't have to pay rent.

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