Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Survey for Sociology : Single Life :D?

1. Are you happy and feeling good about being single?

□ Yes □ No

2. What is your reason for being single? (Feel free to check more than one)

□ school stress

□ religion

□ family wishes

□ not interested in anyone

□ work

□ by choice

□ other ___________

3. You are?

□ Male □ Female

4. Age?

□ 10-13 □ 14-17

□ 18-21

5. What is the best part of being single? (Feel free to check more than one)

□ Family

□ Friends

□ Dates

□ School

□ No drama

□ Other: ______________________________

6. Most difficult aspect of being single?

□ Loneliness

□ Lack of intimacy

□ Worried about being alone

□ Other: _______________

7. How do you feel about being single?

□ Confident

□ Free

□ Sufficient

□ Unsatisfied

□ Jealous

□ No different

□ Uncool

□ Unworthy

□ Self-conscious

□ Desperate

□ Insecure

□ Unstressed

□ Unattractive

□ Happy

□ Other: ________________

Survey for Sociology : Single Life :D?
1. Yes

2. not interested in anyone

by choice

3. Female

4. 18-21

5. Friends

6. It's not really difficult, since i chose to be in the single state that i currently am in.

7. Free, unstressed - though in all honesty, only OCCASIONALLY i do wish i had a special guy in my life. the only sad thing is that wen i feel that way the guys available and willing are not the guys i want. and the guy i do want wen i feel this way (though i don't always know why i want him) is not available. this only happens occasionally tho, most of the time i am happy with being single.

8. well, maybe like wen i see a sweet romantic movie then i will maybe wish i had a guy. so i guess answer is that the media has a bit of influence.

9. men

10. a fair bit of time
Reply:1. no

2. other: it just hasn't happend yet

3. female

4. 14-17

5. no drama/stress

6. loneliness. i want someone that really cares about me.

7. unsatisfied. uncool. unworthy. insecure. unattractive.

8. half

9. men

10. as short as possible

11. don't force urself into a relationship just for the sake of being in one.
Reply:1.Are you happy and feeling good about being single?


2. What is your reason for being single? (Feel free to check more than one)

□not interested in anyone

3.You are?


4. Age?


5. What is the best part of being single? (Feel free to check more than one)

□No drama

□Other: no added responsibility for the time being

6.Most difficult aspect of being single?


□Lack of intimacy

□Worried about being alone

7.How do you feel about being single?







Additional Details

4 days ago

8.Does pressure of school, friends, and media make a difference on your single life?

□A Bit

9.Do you think the Single life is more acceptable for men or women?


10. How much longer do you want to stay single?

□As short as possible

11.Advice for single people? Choose wisely. It's not just about physical attraction. It's also about spiritual attraction.
Reply:There is something wrong with this survey! The age groups only go up to 21! Are you implying that there are no single people past the age of 21? *shakes fist!* I am not the only spinster here, I swear it!!!!
Reply:1. no

2. religion

3. Female

4. n/a (21+)

5. no drama

6. loneliness

7. unsatisfied
Reply:(1)no (2)hard to find some one worth dateing(3)male(4)28(5)no drama(6)it can get lonely(7)unstresset
Reply:1. YES

2. By Choice; other: don't want to be tied down

3. Female

4. 18-21

5. friends, no drama, other: no strings attached hook ups

6. Other: None. I love being single

7. Happy, Confident, Free, unstressed

8. A bit

9. Men

10. Not sure.

11. don't let people that aren't single influence you to be in a relationship just because they are. Only be in a relationship if you want to be. Basically don't get pressured into it.

Hope this helps... I just had to do a sociology project similar to this... except I used how media effects teenagers!!

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