Monday, April 12, 2010

Single Mothers?

Why do some people on here put down single mothers and talk about how their tax money is paying for our kids because we couldnt keep our legs shut? I got news for people who have no clue, I am a single mom and I was with my childrens father for 10 years, we split because he became a violent alcoholic so I along with my kids had to get out. As far of living off of peoples taxes, I work go to college and carry my own health insurance on my children, I get no help at all from the state at all so no one pays for my kids but me and Ive done it for 11 years. Im just tired of accusations being made by people who think they are better then everyone else and have no idea of peoples circumstances, do any single moms agree with me?

Single Mothers?
I agree with you

I am a 21 year old, single mom.

I get no child support, I go to school part time, I work full time, and I take care of my children on my own. I just bought my first home, and I am doing quite well.

However, I do get medicaid for my children. But I believe if that is available and I qualify for it, why not recieve it.

My childrens dad was a deadbeat, and doesn't want to help me.

But I love my children, and as much as I would love to give them everything their little hearts desire, I give them as much as I can, and then I love them more than life itself.

To be honost, I enjoy being a single mom, I don't have to worry about the other parents point of veiw of parenting, I can carry out my own believes on parenting.

I am a mom and a dad to my children, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Reply:God bless you!
Reply:i absolutly agree with about to be a single mom and its not by choice, my guy left for another girl and her chilld and doesnt have anything to do with me or his baby! some people need to realise that we do thebest we can with the hand we were dealt and they need to shut the F*** up bc i am trying hard and its not my fault that he left for another girl and a child thats not his
Reply:Ma'am, the term "single mom" has become a way for unwed mothers to grab respectability at the expense of more honorable women.

You are a divorced mother, and I would certainly call myself that, and not "single mom".

You have not only my respect and admiration for the hard job you have, but my best wishes.
Reply:That's exactly the reason why I left my husband a year ago.I have 7 children and they all feel great because my husband was really violent alcoholic.Their father sees them occasionally but the older of the kids don't even want to see him,just the younger ones.
Reply:Some people just don't understand how hard it is to be a single mother. So keep doing what your doing, and don't worry about everyone else.
Reply:i think alot of people look bad on single teenage mothers.
Reply:whah,I'm a single mother whah!-this is why-quite down and do a good job.
Reply:Calm down. I think "they're" referring to dead beats who don't even try. You sound like a very hard-working mom. Good luck to you.
Reply:You know what? I'm tired of being classified as a "SINGLE MOTHER." Those two words are surrounded with negativity. I dislike it so much that I don't even want to date a man who doesn't have children.

I am a woman....yes.

I have a child....yes.

I am single....yes.


I am working 40 hours a week and raising my child to the BEST of my abilities. I intend to start college classes this fall. I do not drink, I do not do drugs, I have a car, I pay my bills on time, I put food on the table and clothes on her back...and when my daughter looks up at me with her big hazel eyes and says "I love you," that is ALL the gratification I need in this world.

To hell with everyone else.
Reply:dont let people get to you, they arent worth it.. sounds like you are doing a great job xx
Reply:YOU GO GIRL you are absolutely right there are way too many people who slam single mothers, especially young ones. They have no idea what we go thru and what we do for our kids and they also don't know that government support takes up a very small percentage of our taxes!! And not all single mothers are on government help, and those that are are trying to get off it!!! I went to college and graduated and now am a professional all so i didnt' have to get paid 7/hr and be on all kinds of assistance. I could go on but i wont lol Hang in there fellow single mom and good for you for getting out!!!
Reply:Good for you... I absolutely agree with you!!!!
Reply:i'm not a single mum, i'm a single dad and i agree with you 100 % if people only knew how hard it was just to try and survive on what they call payouts!!! they would change their minds pretty damn quick... solidarity
Reply:I am a not single mum who agrees. Even if someone is a single mother by an accidental love situation, society is much better off if we all help to support them. One under-educated and under-cared-for child is more of a 'drain' on society and taxes than one that recieves support. Judgement helps no-one.
Reply:I am a single mother and I absolutely agree with you. I've had a little rougher of a time though. I was told I wouldn't ever have daughter came at 20 yrs. My ex and I tried to make it work out but it didn't. Come tax time single parents do get a little extra but not as much as people think. Last year I got almost $5,000 back from taxes. But ya wanna know something? With all my daughters medical issues I couldn't work most of the year so that $5,000 was my yearly income.. I think total for the year I made about $2,000 from jobs. Now...try raising a sick child off of $7,000 a year let alone only $2,000. I totally agree that a lot of people just have no clue.

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