Monday, November 16, 2009

Single during holidays...?

What is it about Christmas time that makes other people become so intrusive into the personal lives of others? I am a single, straight, 28 year old male and I have always been single. That's right, I've never had a girlfriend or even experienced me first kiss. Big deal right? Well my parents leave me alone about this, but not my extended family, friends and even co-workers. It's especially weird at work because I never mentioned that I am currently single. Obviously people are really interested in my life for some reason. This conversation inevitably leads to everyone asking me why I still live at home. They just don't get that I have no need to move out and that my family enjoys living together. I live with my parents (rent free) and other adult siblings and everything is working out great. When I need to move out I will. When I need to have a girlfriend I will. Are people simply jealous that I have complete freedom and no financial responsibilities?

Single during holidays...?
No one is jealous of you, buddy. Come down from where you are and join us in the real world.

we feel BAD for you. we pity you, actually... and everyone's "interest" is because we just dont see how and why you are still doing what you've been doing since you were an infant.

We just all know how REAL LIFE is. Living with your parents at 28, no experience with anyone, and no experience gaining, learning and understanding complete independence is just... sad.

There is a whole big world out there that can teach you financial independence on your OWN... you can meet people and learn from others ON YOUR OWN, and emotionally understand that if you did all this already, you wouldnt be asking this crazy question.
Reply:no thats called abnormal
Reply:No they just worry about you because your already 28 and they probably think you need help even though you don't. Around the holidays ppl feel the need to do good and they feel you need it.Just tell them you are fine being alone and don't need help but just choose to be alone.

horse teeth

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